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Changing the World
course schedule
a description of this course can be found here
** marks optional readings
I. Introduction
The question of the course
no readings
Circles of concern
With great power…
MacAskill, Doing Good Better, chapter 1
Hillebrandt, Median GDP per capita
** Lichtenberg, Negative duties and the new harms
II. Meet the world
What most lives are like
Rosling, Factfulness, chapter 1 & chapter 6
go to Dollar Street and "visit" some of the homes
** Roser, Mortality in the past and Ritchie et. al. Population growth
Bad but better
Rosling, Factfulness, chapters 2 & 7
Walsh, The doomers are wrong
** Matthews, Why the news is so negative and what to do
** Robertson et. al., Negativity drives online news consumption
** Rosling, Factfulness, chapter 4
The coming century
Wallace-Wells, Beyond catastrophe
Ritchie, Are we the last generation, or the first sustainable one?
** Ritchie et. al., Population growth
** Carbon Brief, Impacts of climate change
** Climate Action Tracker, The thermometer
III. Hearts & minds
Guiding the heart
Bloom, Empathy and its discontents
Soares, Fighting for something
Scope neglect
Soares, On caring
Tzvetkova, Not all deaths are equal
Rosling, Factfulness, chapter 5
Measuring problems
MacAskill, Doing Good Better, chapter 2
Roser, Causes of death globally
IHME’s disease burden tool
IV. Extreme poverty
Aid & policy effectiveness
Poor Economics, forward & chapter 1
Doing Good Better, intro & chapter 3
* 80,000 Hours: The good, the bad, and the ineffective
Diseases of poverty
Dattani et. al., Diarrheal diseases
Poor Economics, chapter 3
** Dattani et. al., Why didn't we get a malaria vaccine sooner?
Malnutrition & poison
Ritchie & Roser, Micronutrient deficiency
** Poor Economics, chapter 2
** Matthews, Nearly half the world’s kids…
** Rethink Priorities, Global lead exposure report
Gender disparity and labor barriers
Hoijmakers, Women's empowerment cause area
Clemens, Don't close the golden door
* Clemens, Economics and emigration
V. Everywhere problems
Air pollution & climate change
Wallace-Wells, Ten million a year
Halstead, Climate change report
* Ritchie & Roser, Air pollution
Lifestyle, mental health, and aging
Snowden et al, Mental health report, up to pg 20
van Dam et. al. Lifestyle factors & mortality
Farrelly, Why aging research?
Factory farms: animal welfare
Huemer, The conscience of a human being
excerpts from The illogic of the larder
Factory farms: other issues
Global catastrophic risk
VI. How can we do the most good?
Measuring Effectiveness
MacAskill, Doing Good Better, ch. 4 & 5
Lifestyle vs. collective action
MacAskill, Doing Good Better, ch. 8
Halstead, Climate and lifestyle report
Jagers et. al., On the preconditions for large scale collective action
** Wagner, Cold, hard economics
Careers, part 1
Todd et al., 80,000 Hours, chapters 1 & 2
Careers, part 2
Todd et al. 80,000 Hours, chapters 6 & 7
Christiano & Niemand, Stop raising awareness already
Starr, Don't feed the zombies
Careers, part 3